Monday, August 29, 2005

The sexiest thing is trust

Wow. The Tori Amos show last night was amazing. She did not rock out loud as she wasn't touring with her band, but it still blew me away. First let me start by saying that Meadow Brook Music Festival is one of the best places to see an outdoor show that I've ever been to. I saw her there 2 summers ago (she was supposed to play the night of the blackout) but didn't really appriciate the acoustics until last night. She sounded amazing and when she holds those long high notes it sends chills down your spine. Even if you're not a fan if you could hear her live and hear what she can do with her voice, you'd be amazed. It was just her with her piano, two organs and an electric piano. There are songs where she plays two keyboards at once and it wows me everytime. Here's the set list:

Original Sinsuality Pretty Good Year Amber Waves (Hammond/piano) Doughnut Song China Barons of Suburbia (Hammond/piano) God (Fender/Rhodes)

Tori's Piano Bar: Karma Police (Radiohead) Vincent (Starry Starry Night) (Don McLean)

Carbon Crucify (Hammond/piano) Siren The Beekeeper (Hammond)

E n c o r e 1 : Parasol (Hammond/piano) Baker Baker
E n c o r e 2 : Twinkle Tear In Your Hand

The Tori's Piano Bar part is part of an online thing she did on this tour where fans can email in a request for a cover song. I'd never heard her do Karma Police before and it was great. And I'm not familiar with the Don McLean song, but it was about Vincent Van Gogh and it was so pretty. I was pleasantly surprised at how many classic songs she played, like God and Pretty Good Year and Crucify. It reminded me of my first Tori show over 11 years ago. The songs where it says Hammond/piano and Fender/Rhodes is where she's playing two instruments at once, which clearly was alot. More than usual anyway. Can you tell I'm excited from the show? I get so into it and it's all I want to talk about for a few days.

I have another show to get excited about now though. This Wed in Columbus is Rilo Kiley and Coldplay. This is my most anticipated show of the summer. I can't wait to see Rilo Kiley again and it'll be my first Coldplay show. I've seen clips of them live and it seems like a larger than life concert with big sound and lights. Can't wait! Peace out!

"What you didn't count on was another mother. A Mother Revolution" -Tori Amos

Sunday, August 28, 2005

I past my test with flying colors!

Last night was German American Festival, which I go to every year with my good friend Andrea and assorted guests. This was my first year going as a non-smoker (can I call myself that if it's only been 2 weeks?) and also my first night out drinking without smoking. This is usually how it goes when I'm trying to quit smoking: I go out with the best of intentions, have a few drinks, have someone light up near me, and I end up bumming a smoke. So last night I was bound and determined not to let the drink persuade me, and it didn't. Shane was there and smoking and I didn't even want to ask for one. Does this mean I'm cured? It definately makes this time different and that's got to be a good thing. It makes me feel more confidant that I'm quitting for good this time.

So on to the hoopla that is the GAF. I got off work early, around 8:15 and went to Lynzie's house. I followed her to the festival, but on the way there a crazy, cracked out old dude in a pick-up truck backed into her at a red light. To make a long story very short he was nuts, I cussed him out, the cops came, there's was nothing wrong with their cars, so we left. So we didn't get there until 9:25 and you can only buy beer until 11, so you do the math. Andrea and Paul were already drunk and I had to catch up, which I did. So when we left I thought I knew where I parked, but it turns out the whole damn field pretty much looks the same and the fact that I knew I was parked under and light didn't help since there were like 30 lights. So I had to wait for the cars to thin out to find mine, meanwhile I waited with this guy who couldn't find his car either and was old enough to be my dad and gave me his card to call him when I finally left, which I threw out the window, ew. Then I went to Bretz, which is a gay bar for those of you not hip to the gay scene in Toledo, and the only straight guy there (I'm assuming he was the only straight guy there) had to hit on me. What's up with that? I must have been exuding phermones last night or something. So I didn't get home until almost 4am, which in Holly World is extremely late and I'm not sure how I stayed awake so long, but it was good fun. I think what draws me to the GAF is the tradition and nostalgia of it. It makes me feel young.

So tonight I'm off to Rochester Hills, MI to see Tori Amos. I couldn't tell you how many times I've seen her, at least 10, probably more, but everytime is exciting and I can't hardly wait. I'll let you know how much it rocked tomorrow. Peace out.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

If you do this, I'll hunt you down and kill you

Why is it when people walk into a retail establishment they turn into the worst version of themselves? Or is this how they act all the time? I can't imagine there are that many jerk offs in Perrysburg, but maybe I'm being naive. Maybe they are all really jerk offs, and if so I feel bad for their family's. The last few days at work have been customers from hell days. Let me give you an example, without getting too retaily on you. Today I was resetting the rubber stamps (I work at Michaels, a reset is when we get new stuff and have to switch around the shelves and whatnot). This was a huge job which I probably won't be done with until Saturday, so I put up closed signs on the ends of the aisle so no one could come down and trip on all the stuff I had laying around. Needless to say about half a dozen irritating women huffed and puffed about not being able to buy a bloody stamp. Is it really that important? I litterally had every loose stamp off the shelf and in baskets, there was no way to find anything, I was obviously overwhelmed with the enormity of the project and all they can do is bitch. And then the one that took the cake, this old bat comes in and starts complaining about how far she had to drive and how all she wanted to do was look at the stamps and what a big inconvieniece it was. What the hell was I supposed to do? Blink my eyes or wiggle my nose and magically it would have been done? Don't you think I would have done that to begin with if I could? I just hate it when people bitch at me about stuff I have no control over and they know I have no control over. I just want to look at them and say "What do you want me to do about it?" at which they would say there's nothing I could do and there you go. Alright, enough of my bitching now. Go have a happy day!

Monday, August 22, 2005

One good thing about music...

...when it hits you you feel no pain. That's Bob Marley for those who don't know and one of my favorite quotes. That's the way I feel about discovering new music, because I don't just buy a new cd, listen to it and decide if it's good or not. When I start listening to a new artist or band I immerse myself in it. It's all I listen to for weeks, trying to pick up on every lyric or instrument. And what's better than discovering a new artist? Discovering an old one that somehow flew under your radar years back and suddenly drops in your lap today. It's as if you weren't ready for it until now, like you couldn't appriciate it then and it waited for you to catch up. Mine is Jeff Buckley. I'd heard of him before and recognized his cd covers instantly, but never listened to him until now (thanks to Andrea). What a voice and what a lyricist. Now I see why Katie worships him, and the fact that he was so great makes his death even more of a tragedy. It's sad to think there are only so many Jeff Buckley albums to discover and I'll never see him live, but it doesn't mean he's not worth listening to. I look forward to the journey and can't wait to see who I pick next. I think Mars Volta, since everyone is freaking out about them.

Another one (and I don't ususally get into 2 bands at once, but that's just how it happened) is Beck. Everyone knows Beck and I've liked him for years, but I've never sat down and listen to all of his albums. Until this weekend. I bought tickets for his upcoming show at the State Theatre in Detroit and Brett decided to go to CD Warehouse and get a bunch of old Beck cds. I didn't realize how many he had, and so far they're all awesome. The thing I like about Beck is how different his songs are. For example, listen to his newest one "Guero" (which is probabaly his best, and that's really saying something). There are no 2 songs that sound alike, they all have a uniqueness about them and I think that's what keeps it from getting boring. I could listen to that cd over and over again and never get bored of it.

This is turning into a Woody blog (lengthwise) so I better wrap it up, but there's one more thing that I'm pretty geeked about. Over the weekend I had a great idea. The kids are going back to school next week, but there's one subject that I've decided to teach them myself: Rock History 101. Brett and I made a list of important musical influences and are going to teach them about one or two every weekend. It started out when I played Bob Marley for the kids last week and they really liked it and I thought how cool would it be to teach them about him. I wish someone had done this with me. So he's first and then Brett will take the next weekend. If any of you can think of any bands or artist that would be a good leason let me know. I'm sure we've thought of alot, but I know there's some that I haven't thought of. Well, that's it for today. Peace.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

1 week down...

...a lifetime to go. I haven't had a cigarette since last Sat. And I haven't cheated, not once. Not even a puff. Although, I still have a chest cold that won't let go, so the urge is not there, but it's progress. The fact that I've made it this long and not been bothered by it is huge for me. Everytime I've tried to quit in the past I've only made it a few days before my concious and subconcious started arguing and making deals about one more pack. This time is different. For anyone who has had trouble quitting, here is my advise: get sick. It's also an excellant way to lose weight. That made me sound anorexic, but I'm not. I just have no appetite.

Last night I went and saw 40 Year Old Virgin. Go see this movie. There's no point to it at all except it's too funny not to share with everyone. I'm not exaggerating when I say I think the last scene is the hardest I've laughed in a theatre ever. Can't catch my breath laughing. And it was ridiculous, but that's what made it so funny. Good times. Peace out.

"Don't tease me about my hobbies, I don't tease you about being an asshole" -Garden State

Sunday, August 14, 2005

My body is trying to tell me something

I'm sick. I'm sure it's because I haven't been sleeping/eating/drinking correctly and the fact that it's been so hot and I've been in and out of air conditioning too much. AC is a funny thing. It's so refreshing, but it gives me wicked headaches and can give me a cold. But I decided yesterday to make the most of this cold and throw away my cigarettes. See, whenever I get a chest cold it's murder to smoke, but I usually do it anyway for a couple days until I can't stand it and finally take a few days off only to start up again. And after many failed attempts at quitting I thought this would be the perfect way to quit. I don't feel like smoking because my lungs hurt and I have alot of cogestion, so I thought I should just throw them away so when I do feel better I won't have any. Good theory, the problem is when I feel better I can always go buy more. But I don't want to anymore. I always thought when I was ready to quit that would be that, but it's not that easy. I don't smoke as much as most smokers do, usually around a half a pack a day, if that, but that doesn't make me immune to the niccotine withdrawl. I think the main thing that's kept me from quitting in the past is that I didn't really want to, but now I do, probably because I'm sick. So we'll see if it sticks this time. No, no, that's not what I should say. This time it WILL stick. I'll make it so. I know it's all under my controll, I don't believe in addiction, it's all about will power. If I smoke another cigarette it's because I chose to, so I just need to choose not to. Easy right? I'll let you know.

"If you wrote me off I'd understand it, cause I've been on some other planet, so come pick me up I've landed" -Ben Folds (who rocked out loud Thur night)

Monday, August 08, 2005

I love Columbus

Have you ever woke up and had no recollection of the night before? I don't mean that you forgot what you did, but rather no matter how much you rack your brain you can't recall what you did. This was me yesterday morning. I was lying in my friend's bed, I had on pajamas, but I had no idea how I got there. I tried to remember walking home or getting ready for bed or even leaving the bar and couldn't. No problem, when everyone wakes up we'll talk and I'll remember. Nope, the more they told me the more I realized I'll never remember. I actually remember most of the night, it's just the last 2 hours or so that I can't recall. It kind of bothers me, because I always remember everything, no matter how drunk I was. Thank God I was with the friends I was with, because Andrea can be a functioning adult no matter how many martinis are in her system. It's also nice to know that even though I was that wasted I could still do normal things, like putting on my pj's and going to the bathroom. Although when I put my glasses on in the morning there was a lens missing. Dre found it on the floor and saved me the embarrassment of going to Lens Crafters for one lens that I have no idea how I lost. All in all it was a great time, memory or not. I have pictures to prove it, and to boot I didn't get sick. That is a really big deal, because I almost always get sick. The gallery hop was cool too and hopefully I'll get to go back for Holiday Hop and spend more time in the galleries, but there were people to see and livers to abuse. Sorry Bryan that I didn't call you back, but we only went to 2 bars, both gay bars, and it didn't take long to get belligerent. We would have annoyed you I'm sure. Next time.

So I'm back in Columbus this Thursday for the Ben Folds, Rufus Wainwright, Ben Lee concerts, entitled "The Odd Men Out Tour". First show since Bonnaroo (way too long ago) and Lynzie's first concert ever. The next night she's going to see Eminem in Detroit. Slightly different genres. Should be fun. I might have an extra ticket though and I should know that soon, so if I do and anyone is interested let me know. Peace out.

"I think I'll go out and embarrass myself by getting drunk and falling down in the street" -Rilo Kiley (I know I've written this before, but it seemed fitting. But I don't think I fell down)

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Maybe you should drive

Guess what...I finally, after 10 1/2 years got a new car. Ok, not new, but new to me. I bought it at Jim White Toyota on Central and it's a 2001 Chevy Tracker (not my first choice by any stretch of the imagination), it's got 41,000 miles and is in perfect condition. It's black and has leather seats. It still hasn't hit me yet and I'm sure it won't until I go to work in the morning and get in this instead of my Honda. It was bitter-sweet driving away from the dealership. To think I'll never drive my Civic again is a very sad thought indeed. I've had that car since I was 19 and I'll miss it. I wished I had brought my camera to take one last picture of her. Ok, now I'm depressed. But in a good way. No more buying oil once a week and no more filling up with water and antifreeze only to overheat 20 minutes later. And, get this, I now have a working air conditioner. No more sweating my ass off in my car. Plus, it's bigger than the Civic and has a luggage rack, so it'll be perfect for Bonnaroo! And don't think that wasn't a deciding factor, because it was, even if I didn't mention it to Brett, in the back of my mind while looking at cars I kept thinking "Will this be a good car to go to Bonnaroo in?". And it will. 6 cylinder engine and 4 wheel drive. I've never had that kind of power before. I can almost smell my first speeding ticket. PEACE!

"Lately I'm begining to find that when I drive myself my life is found" -Incubus

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

The little engine that no longer could

My car is on it's death bed. I'm not sure how much longer it has, but it needs an engine transplant to save it. Either that or I will have to put oil and antifreeze in it every few days to get me around. I've taken it to the shop so many times in recent months and have always thought they could fix any problem that came up, but unfortunately they are just men and not miracle workers. It's kind of making me sad to think I won't have it much longer. I've been through alot with this car and see it as an extention of myself. Or at least of my house. It's about as messy and lived in as my house anyway. I was only 19 when I got it and if you had asked me then if I'd still have it now I probably would have said no, but here I am 165,000 miles later and feeling nostalgic about an automobile. I guess that's normal though. But hopefully very soon I'll be driving a new car, or at least new to me. I'm not above used cars. I'd like to get an Elelment, but unless I buy it new they're kind of hard to find used. I'll keep you all updated.

So I'm going to Columbus with Shane this weekend and getting drunk and belligerent with him and Andrea and whoever else shows up. I'm really looking forward to it. The three of us haven't hung out properly since Camelot days and I haven't gone out drinking much this summer. I can almost taste the beer. There's nothing like a draft beer outside on a hot summer evening. Except maybe a margarita. Those are good too. But beer is cheaper and I have to buy a car, so beer it is. I guess we might be going to some Celtic festival, kind of like German-Amer. fest up here, only jig dancing instead of lederhosen and brats. Should be fun. Peace out in the mo fo hood ya'll!

"She was blessed with a nack for giving bad advice" -Sam Roberts