Wednesday, September 28, 2005

I'm a slacker

Wow, I really got out of doing this, just like any other journal I've ever tried to keep. Anyway, I had another concert last week (go figure) and it was one of the best shows I've seen in a while, which is saying something. I went to see Beck in Detroit, and let me say, if you ever get the chance, go see this man. He was awesome! We were at the State Theatre in the balcony, but towards the front, so pretty good seats. It was me, Brett, his best friend and my friend Shane (who's a riot). We had a really good time dispite the fact that it rained on us in line to get in and the opening bands sucked. Well, I didn't actually see the first one, Shane and I went and sat in the bar. But we saw the second guy and he was litterally a one man band. It wasn't like in Mary Poppins, but close. Imagine the guy in Mary Poppins with computers and you got this guy. He had on a wife beater and some black shorts and 2 keyboards across his chest. He also had drum sensors on his feet (so he kept rocking back and forth like he had to pee) and 3 drum pads taped to his chest. It was the weirdest thing, and kind of painful to watch. I expect little else from an opener for Beck. Good times.

So this weekend I'm going to attempt to dread my hair. So far I'm going solo, but I'm going to try and enlist some friends by tempting them with alcohol. I have the whole weekend off and I'm planning on it taking the whole time, but when I'm done I won't have to worry about what I'm going to do with my hair in the morning. That's why my hair's always short, it's all about low maintnence. I'll have to figure out how to put pictures on here when I'm done so ya'll can see 'em. Have a super day!

"We like the boys with the bullet proof vests" -Beck

Monday, September 05, 2005

And so ends my week in concerts

I went to 3 concerts last week. That's got to be my all time record. Tori last Sun., Rilo Kiley/Coldplay on Wed. and Sat. night I took the kids to the Pontiac Arts, Beats, and Eats Festival and saw Better Than Ezra. That last one was a free show, but I probably spent the most money at that one. They had a whole kids area set up with rides and moonwalks and whatnot. So we went early and looked around and played and BTE came on at 8:45. It was at the Phoenix Center which is on top of a parking garage. It's weird, because there's a lawn and landscaping just like at any other outdoor venue, but you're sitting on a hollow structure. Weird, but cool. BTE was awesome, they played alot of new stuff, but a good mix of old hits as well. They talked a little about New Orleans, being that they're from there, and urged people to help in any way they can. Which reminds me of a way that you can help that won't cost you a dime. If any of you are like me (especially with kids) you have alot of clothes in your house that don't get worn anymore. Donate them. I seriously have bags of clothes in the basement that I've been meaning to have a garage sale with, but I've been putting it off because I hate garage sales, so I've decided to donate them all. I just know how it is to want to help, but don't have the money to give, this is a great alternative.

Yesterday I went to a barbque at my friends Heather and Kelly's house. It was a reunion of theatre managers and employees from over the years and I had a blast. I had kind of forgotten about it until yesterday afternoon and decided to load the kids up and go. I love going to unexpectedly fun parties. Their parties are always fun, but I thought with everyone bringing their kids it might be a little more subdued. Not the case. And I have to say I love that my kids are old enough that I can just let them run wild and not have to worry about them constantly. There were alot of babies and toddlers there and it made me feel luckey. The kids had a great time too. It's a little weird seeing people you used to party with carrying in babies in car seats, but it's cool too. And why can't adults be more like kids? They're like "You're a kid too, want to play?" and that's it, they're new best friends. The world would be in a much better state if adults acted like kids. Or at least held on to some of their childhood ideals. Want to play?