Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Why do kids do the things they do? I'm trying to remember the things I did as a child that made no sense to my parents and made them crazy, but made sense to me. What was going through my head? It's easy to remember stand out stupid things, but the thought process is lost. I think raising kids would be easier if we could remember what it was like to think as a child. And who the hell thought up tickling? I want to beat them with a stick. This is just a new way that my daughter has found to torture her brother, and just a new thing that he can scream and whine about. I'm thinking of forcing myself deaf. I'll just stand in front of a large speaker blasting System of a Down or something loud like that. How long do you think that would take? Not totally deaf, just severe ear drum damage, that's all I'm asking for. Some peace would be great.

Listen to Rilo Kiley "More Adventurous". Specifically these songs: 1,3,6,8,9,10. And if you can find their set from Bonnaroo this year, it was the best show I saw all weekend. Good times. Peace out.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

This is my first blog. The fact that I'm using the word "blog" is disturbing to me. I try to keep computer terms at arms length. I know how to work my computer, but I don't want to get in too deep. Anyway, I was trying to think of something to write that people would want to read, but then thought whatever I write someone will want to read it. Or maybe no one will and I'll just be writing to myself, which is nice, because I never email myself. I should start.

I guess since I've been listening to it so much lately I'll dedicate this, my first entry, to the new Beck album "Guero". If you do not own this, stop reading now and go buy it. Seriously, it's the best album I've bought this year, and that is saying something. There's not a bad song on the entire thing, it's a great summer cd and even sounds good blasting out of my crackley blown car speakers. My favorite songs are Hell Yes, Rental Car, Que Undo Guero. Even if you don't listen to Beck normally, this is a must buy.

Support your favorite artists, pay for music. Peace out.